Report Form Guidance
We recommend you read this guidance alongside the Report Form Questions (PDF).
If you have any problems completing or submitting your report form, please email
What Reports Are Required
Trustees award grants four times a year, usually March, June, September and December.
When you accepted our grant you agreed to our terms and conditions which state that grants are conditional upon the receipt of satisfactory reports from you.
Single One-Off Grants
If you are awarded a single one-off grant we will set a due date for receipt of your end-of-grant report. This will be 12 months after your grant was awarded:
Grant awarded | Report Due Date |
March | 31st March the following year |
June | 30th June the following year |
September | 30th September the following year |
December | 31st December the following year |
Grants with potential for further payments / multi-year grants
If your original grant offer email stated that Trustees may make further annual payments of the same amount (subject to receipt of satisfactory reports), we refer to this as a multi-year grant.
A typical schedule for a 2-year grant would be:
Original Grant Awarded | 1st Interim Report Due | Final Report Due |
March 2024 | 7th March 2025* | 31st March 2026 |
A typical schedule for a 3-year grant would be:
Original Grant Awarded | 1st Interim Report Due | 2nd Interim Report Due | Final Report Due |
June 2024 | 7th June 2025* | 7th June 2026* | 30th June 2027 |
* Interim reports must be submitted at least 3 weeks before the end of the 12-month period. This is to allow time for Trustees to review your report before considering a possible further payment.
Accessing the Online Report Form
The same online form template is used for both interim and end-of-grant reporting. Four weeks before your report is due, we will contact you by email with a link to the online report form. This link will only be available via email and will be sent to the Primary Named Contact. Please ensure we are informed of any contact changes.
Our interim report reminder will include key information about your organisation, such as contact and bank details. Check these details carefully and list any changes via a separate form linked in the email. It is important this information is correct and that you submit your report by the due date otherwise we may not be able to make future payments to you.
Completing the Online Report Form
Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. If left blank, you will be asked to complete these questions before you are able to submit your report.
Some questions have character limits – when a maximum character is stated this will count spaces. Please do not feel you have to use the maximum number of characters when you respond. Your report should be as brief as possible.
Please remember to use the Tab key (not Return) to move to the next question.
You can save your report at any time and return to complete within 30 days by clicking on the ‘Save & Resume Later’ button. Further guidance on ‘Save & Resume’ is included below.
Please do not include details of identifiable individuals in your report other than the requested organisation contact details. Any examples, case studies or other instances where individuals could be identified should be anonymised before submitting. The anonymisation must be irreversible.
The report has the following sections:
Your report will be prepopulated with the following information:
- Organisation name
- Registered charity number (if applicable)
The prepopulated information is the information we hold on file for your organisation. Please check this information and, if it needs amending, click on the link provided in our accompanying email to tell us what information needs to be changed, or email
Your report form will include a report reference – this will usually identify the month and year the grant was awarded together with a brief description of the funding request.
You will be asked to confirm the period of this report eg June 2024 to May 2025.
Your Report
This is your main report section. Ideally, your report should be no more than the equivalent of one / two sides of A4.
Aim to provide a brief update on how your funded activities have progressed and how our grant has contributed to your work. Have you achieved what you set out to do?
Where appropriate, include any information about who has benefitted and numbers benefitting.
If you did not achieve what you expected to achieve, please tell us.
Your report should not:
- Communicate a change in contact details for your organisation
- Ask to redirect funds to a different project
- Request extra funding
- Ask any other question that requires a response or action on our part
(For any of the above bulleted items, please email
Grant Terms & Conditions
In this section we list the grant terms and conditions you agreed to when accepting our grant. We will ask you to provide details of anything relating to the terms and conditions that we should be made aware of.
Financial Information
If this is your final end-of-grant report, we will not ask you to provide any financial reports / management accounts.
If this is an interim report, trustees will need access to your most recent audited / inspected financial report. If this (or your Annual Return) is available on the relevant charity regulator’s website eg the Charity Commission website, we will ask you to provide a link to your published accounts on the relevant website.
If your audited accounts are not available on the relevant charity regulator’s website, you will be asked (in the File Uploads section of the form) to upload these documents before you submit your report.
If your organisation is too new to have annual accounts we ask that you attach a copy of your latest management accounts, which should include your income and expenditure account with balance sheet.
File Uploads
Acceptable formats for uploaded files include Word, Excel, pdf, jpg, but the maximum total combined size of all files uploaded must not exceed 25MB.
Important: You should only upload files immediately prior to submitting your report. Any documents uploaded prior to clicking on ‘Save and Resume Later’ will be lost when you return to your draft report and you will have to upload files again before submitting your report.
Please remember to click on the ‘I confirm’ box before you submit.
Submitting your completed report
When you have completed the report form and attached your documents (if any), you can submit by clicking on the ‘Submit’ button. There may be a delay while the information uploads. Please do not click on the submit button more than once as this may result in an error message.
It is only when you click on ‘Submit’ that we can see the information you have inputted.
Saving and resuming your report
By clicking on ‘Save and Resume Later’ you can save your report at any time but you must return to complete your report within 30 days of saving. After this period, the link will expire, and unfortunately it will not be possible to access any of the information previously inputted.
When you click on ‘Save and Resume Later’ a link to your draft report will be displayed on screen. At this stage you have the option to copy the link and save it to a safe place, or you can enter your email address in the box provided and the link will be emailed to you.
It is important to click on ‘Save and Resume Later’ each time you make changes to your form and another link will be provided. You must only use the most recent link to return to your form as prior links will not take you to the most up-to-date version of your form. Without the link, the data you have entered cannot be retrieved. It is therefore important that you save the most recent link carefully. If you choose the option to have the link emailed to you, please check that your email address is correct. If you choose to have the link emailed to you, a second message will appear to confirm we have sent the link email to you and giving the option to request we resend the email if it has not been received. We recommend you do not close this screen until you have checked that our email has been received.
What happens after your report is submitted?
Once you have submitted your report a message will appear to confirm your report has been submitted successfully and we will send you an email to confirm receipt. A copy of your submitted report will be attached to our confirmation email. Please keep this copy for your future reference.
Your report will be considered by Trustees at the appropriate meeting. It is therefore important you submit each report by its due date.
If you have submitted an interim report in relation to a multi-year grant, we will notify you of the meeting outcome via email. This email will be sent to the Primary Named Contact.
If you have submitted a final end-of-grant report, we are pleased to have been able to support you. If you wish to reapply in the future, Trustees require a two-year gap between grants (e.g. if your last grant payment was awarded March 2025, the earliest we would normally accept a further application would be April 2027).